Teiid - Simplifies Data Virtualization

Teiid - Simplifies Data Virtualization Preface: This blog contains only theoretical discussion about Teiid, its Use cases and how to solve them. I am writing this blog for the introduction of Teiid and readers to get high level understanding of Teiid project. I'll write another blog on Teiid project in which I will cover up how to solve below mentioned use cases in practical. What is Data Virtualization? Before talking about Teiid and it's use cases, Let's take a glance at What it means Data Virtualization? by simply googling it we can get lots of theoretical details, definitions, explanation about Data Virtualization, but How it can be define in technical terms or in terms of usage(w.r.t. teiid)? So here is the quick explanation. Using Teiid or its API'S we can execute SQL queries having same syntax across the multiple databases no matter whether is it SQL database or NoSQL databases. In SQL database there are various types e.g MySQL, ORACLE, SQLServer...